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Financial Foundations

Your first steps to unlocking your financial potential

young family in sunny park.

Read below to learn how we combine our strategies and areas of expertise to build your financial foundation.

The first step in building a strong foundation is understanding your cash flow. This simply means knowing where your income is coming from, the effort required to earn it, and how you are spending it. We work with you to build cash flow strategies so that your money is working efficiently for you and help answer questions such as “can I afford my lifestyle?” and “which debt should I pay off first?” Knowing your cash flow allows you to confidently start investing in your future.

After establishing your cash flow strategy and the funds you have available to start building into your future, we will work together to understand your goals and aspirations. We strive to understand what you are inspired to accomplish and build a plan to reach those goals. Even through life’s curveballs, we walk alongside you, providing guidance and resources within your plan so that you keep moving towards your goals.

Once we understand your goals, we will build an investment strategy to pursue them. We spend time educating you on which accounts are the best fit to start investing in your future. We review your personalized investment strategy and explain the why behind our research. As you will see on our Teams page, some of our advisors are Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) designation holders which allows for alternative strategies and a unique approach to growing your investments.

Your tax planning takes place along with the creation of your investment strategy. Depending on the complexity of your situation, we collaborate with your existing tax specialist to provide insight into tax strategies that will benefit you now and in the years to come.

Recognizing life does not normally go as planned, we help you prepare for the risks that may be thrown your way. We have now worked together to understand your goals, how you can afford to reach them, and built an investment strategy with tax planning. However, it is important for us to review how to protect the financial foundation you're building as well as your loved ones.