With a good understanding of your cash flow we will work together to optimize its efficiency. Your money is either working for you or for someone else; many times at your expense. We discuss solutions to your questions such as “how can I pay my mortgage off sooner”, “how can I make my mortgage tax deductible” and “how do I use debt strategically”? We will build cash flow strategies that ensure your greatest asset - your income - is working for you.
When building your Financial Foundation, we took the time to identify your goals and built a roadmap to keep you moving forward. We will continue to review your goals and ensure they are aligned to your overall financial vision. As changes in life occur, we will adjust your existing goals or introduce new ones. We are committed to a long-term relationship with you, through all the peaks and valleys, providing guidance and resources to keep you on track.
As your goals and priorities change, we will adapt your investment strategy to accommodate these changes. This may mean introducing new accounts or adjusting your portfolio to maintain alignment with your goals. With active portfolio management, we constantly monitor the many factors that influence investment performance, keeping you up to date on our optimal portfolio strategies. As you will see on our Team page, some of our advisors are Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) designation holders, providing The Heritage Group with specialized investment expertise. This allows for alternative strategies and a unique approach to managing your investments.
Your tax situation is consistently factored into your wealth-building strategies. We help you understand which accounts to use at different stages of your financial journey, how certain investments may be more tax-friendly, and how we can collaborate with your existing tax specialist. With tax strategies built into your plan, we help you take advantage of available programs and benefits to reduce your tax burden.